Thank you for the day you give me. Morning short Prayer

Morning short prayer, thank you Lord, christian image with prayer, this day, nice prayer for today by Mery Bracho
Thank you for the day you give me.
Morning Short Prayer
Lord, this day I give myself to you,
I will live in faith, in your peace
and having you as my refuge.
Thank you for this new day 
you have to give me your blessing.

 Lord, may all my thoughts, 
my steps and all I do be in your will, 
I know you love me and 
you want me to be happy, 
I know that you accompany me,
I pray for my family to be blessed by you,
today is a day of joy, 
full of blessings your love. Amen.
Mery Bracho

Morning short prayer, thank you Lord, christian image with prayer, this day, nice prayer for today by Mery Bracho