Prayer to start a day of blessings

Christian prayer, morning prayer with images, nice christian quotes by mery bracho
Prayer to start a day of blessings
Lord, you open a day of blessings
for each one of us,
thank you for being so special.
I Trust in you at all times,
I give you my plans and my concerns,
thy will be done, please, help me.

Thank you Lord for being my refuge,
who gives me hope,
filled me with your peace,
protect me on this day of evil,
of accidents, hazards,
of people with bad faith.

Lord, keep my eyes on you to look what pleases you,
keep my ears away from negative and harmful people,
may my lips be wise in all my words,
keep my steps from going where I should not.
Thanks for listening to my prayer,
all I ask in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Mery Bracho

Christian prayer, morning prayer with images, nice christian quotes by mery bracho
Christian prayer, morning prayer with images, nice christian quotes by mery bracho.