3 Short Prayers for Children saying Thank you

children short prayers with images, thank you Lord for this day, night, kids prayers with nice images by Mery Bracho
3 Short Prayers for Children
Dear God, thank you for my home and
for my entire family,
thank you for the love
you give to each one of us
so we can share it with others,
help us to live a happy life.

children short prayers with images, thank you Lord for this day, night, kids prayers with nice images by Mery Bracho
Dear Lord,
I love you with all my heart,
bless my day and my night, give us your peace today. Amen.
children short prayers with images, thank you Lord for this day, night, kids prayers with nice images by Mery Bracho
Lord, I praise you for all you've done,
for the sun and the moon, for bright day and the dark night. Thank you for taking care of us all the time. Amen

children short prayers with images, thank you Lord for this day, night, kids prayers with nice images by Mery Bracho.